Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sometimes I don't like going to the vet....

And so, I resists....
To the point of climbing up on mama's shoulders
And to the point of making her put me in the carrier verses me just walking in it....


PS The reason that I needed to go to the vet this day was to get my teeth cleaned and pulled because of my gum infection that I have had for several months now.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Remember this post, the one about how we didn't do some things....Well we just thought that we would update you on the fact that the evidence surround the tomato plant mystery is now pointing towards one of those bandit creatures being the culprit...

So quite frankly it looks like we only did not protect the said tomato plant from the masked creature, but we suppose that that is okay, since mama and family would like us to stay in one piece.

So if anyone has any brilliant ideas of how to scare off a masked creature without injuring yourself please let us know....

Aren't you glad that the situation has been set straight?

~Mystique~ & ^Toya^

PS There are links to link through to information if you need them...They are just hiding among the rest of the post ;-)

Life is Good....

Yep...Life is Definitely Good!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Us!!!!!

When mama told us about MckMama's Not Me! Mondays, we thought that that would be a lovely way to show what we have not been doing...

We have not been playing with the Tomato plant up on the deck behind our house...

And most definitely would not sit around like who cares while pictures are being taken...
We mean...obviously it was someone else....

Nor have we decided that our house wasn't decorated properly and that we needed to do something about it...

would we leave the evidence of how we decorated sitting around the area either...

And we most definitely would not go back to said bird and hang out with it while the camera is out...

Nope, we have not done any of these things recently....
~Mystique~ & ^Toya^

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This meal was plate licking good....

Only wish I knew what it tasted like before the main dish was gone...


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In which we continue....

The good places to sleep.....

If the backdoor step doesn't seem to be comfy enough, try the top of a convertible. It is great as it allows for the curves of you body to lay naturally.
